أثر ترتيب الولادة وحجم الأسرة على التحصيل الأكاديمي٬ التفكير التباعدي٬ وإيجاد المشكلة لدى الطلبة الموهوبين

AlSaleh, A., Abdulla Alabbasi, A.M., Ayoub, A., & Hafsyan, A.S.M. (2021). The effects of birth order and family size on academic achievement, divergent thinking, and problem finding among gifted students. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 9(1), 67-75. http://dx.doi.org/10.17478/jegys.864399

Link:  https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/1520218


The current study explored the influence of birth order and family size on academic achievement, divergent thinking (DT), and problem finding (PF) with a sample of 156 gifted male and female Arab students (M= 12.21 years, SD= 1.75). Regarding academic achievement, it was found that first-borns possessed higher grade point averages (GPAs) than did other-born children. Family size was also related to academic achievement—participants from smaller-sized families had significantly higher GPAs compared with gifted students from middle- and large-sized families. As for the influence of birth order and family size on both DT and PF, a multivariate analysis of variance showed significant differences for birth order and the interaction between birth order and family size in the originality dimension of PF. Non-significant differences were found concerning family size. The follow-up analyses of variance showed that later-born gifted students scored higher than first-, second-, third-, and fourth-born children in PF originality. Later-born gifted students who scored higher on originality were from smaller families. No significant influences for birth order and family size were found concerning fluency for both DT and PF as well as DT originality. Limitations and future directions are discussed.